Chat – Myths and truths about COVID-19
27 de March de 2020
Forbes: Data intelligence consultancy Orys triples revenue in three years
30 de July de 2020Orys, a consulting company specialized in data intelligence, announces DFREIRE Comunicação e Negócios as its new Press Advisory agency.
The DFREIRE team, under the command of director Debora Freire and with the support of Vera Aranha, assumes the responsibility of acting in the communication front of Orys, with the mission of consolidating and disseminating information about the Brazilian consulting company, with national coverage, specialized in solutions that integrate an ecosystem of data (integration, quality, governance and security), Business Intelligence, Business Analytics, and the new LGPD (General Law of Data Protection).
Click on the links below and check the repercussion on the media about DFreire as Orys’ advisor:
Mega Brazil Portal
ABC Communication Portal