9 de October de 2018

Tableau – Another Orys partner

It is with great joy that we announce that Orys is the newest partner Tableau in Brazil! This partnership is fully in line with our vision to deliver to our customers a “New Way of Thinking Technology and Innovation”. Tableau helps people turn data into actionable information. Explore the data […]
1 de August de 2018

Cloudera – the newest Orys partner

It is with great joy that we announce that Orys is the newest partner of Cloudera in Brazil! Cloudera is a North American company, founded in 2008 in Silicon Valley, with solutions and services focused on Data Management and Analytics. Its solutions allow all of a company’s data to be […]
6 de March de 2018

4 features that a good monitoring system should have

In this story published in CIO on 03/04/18, “4 features that a good monitoring system must have” the author discusses a subject that we have constantly addressed in our posts: “sControl systems are important and take too long to become part of your workflow to leave them to chance. As […]
22 de February de 2018

Why is the Brazilian industry so backward?

What to do to really enter the Industry 4.0 era? One of the most recurrent themes nowadays, when we talk about technological evolution, is the new era of Industry 4.0. In an article published by the CIO website on 02/21/18, “Why the Brazilian industry is so behind”, the author discusses […]
15 de February de 2018

Analytics without Data Governance is a Utopia

One of the most frequent doubts our clients have when starting a Big Data project is: will I get a return on this investment? Many times companies start this type of project driven by the impulse of “not being left behind” in front of their competitors, but they do not […]
14 de February de 2018

The importance of Big Data and how to generate value through technology

Now read the story published in Computerworld on 02/09/18 on “The importance of Big Data and how to generate value through technology.” The main focus of the article is to demonstrate that simply having a Big Data platform is not enough. Just like any other technology, you need internal staff […]
5 de February de 2018

Ten bad habits that keep IT from delivering results

Now read the story published in CIO on 02/01/18 about the “Ten bad habits that keep IT from delivering results.” This article points out 10 “points of attention” for your IT area to be recognized as synonymous with efficiency. Orys, together with Informatica, is prepared to help your company face […]
1 de February de 2018

IT, with big data and analytics, boosts TICS in Brazil.

Check out the article on the Convergência Digital website published on 01/31/2018 that addresses how the crisis of the last few years helped “accelerate digital transformation in Brazil” and made Brazilian corporations evaluate their operations and reinvent themselves opening up opportunities to take the first step in the digital transformation […]